通告/PENGUMUMAN/ANNOUNCEMENT: 17-18.12.16 "" HARI JUALAN BUKU TAHUN 1 HINGGA TAHUN 6 2017....... 27.12.16 "" MESYUARAT GURU....... 28.12.16 "" ORIENTASI MURID TAHUN 1....... 03.01.17 "" SESI PERSEKOLAHAN 2017 BERMULA.......

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


What We Can Do
To Save The Environment

**Tan Shu Mei Grace (6S)**

Environmental issues are everyone’s concern.
Instead of protecting the earth from further
exploitation,pollution and other forms of abuse,
we have contributed directly
towards its continuous contamination.
We have forgotten that
Mother Earth is a gift from God,
to be respected and taken care of.
As caring and concerned inhabitants,
we should realize the importance of the
environment and take precautions to safeguard it.

What can we do?
Will our actions contribute significantly
in preventing the environment
from deteriorating further?
Of course they will!
The actions of a single individual
may make a little difference
but if there is a concerted effort
by every single one of us,
then we can definitely save
the environment from further degradation.

We can affect changes in our lifestyles
by planting trees or other plants.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
Cutting down on electricity consumption
will also safeguard the environment.
When lights and fans in rooms are not used,
they must be switched off.
Using compact fluorescent bulbs
instead of the ordinary incandescent ones
would help to save energy.

Besides electricity,
water should also be conserved.
Running the tap while brushing our teeth
and using a rubber hose to water the plants
or to wash cars are wasteful habits.
we should use a glass of water
while brushing our teeth
and use a pail of water when washing cars
or watering plants in the garden.

Driving less is another method
of protecting the environment.
we should walk, cycle or
use public transportation whenever possible.
Of course,
it will cause some inconvenience,
but that is a small price to pay,
considering the amount of money
that we could save on petrol and the wear and tear.
Car pooling would not only
ease traffic congestion on roads but it would also
mean less carbon monoxide being
released into the atmosphere.

Safeguarding the environment demands
sacrifice and responsibility.
If people can live up to the slogan
“Reduce, reuse and recycle”,
 then the world will definitely
become a better place to live.

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